Roman Holiday (1953)
r: This, I think is the best movie that I've ever seen -- that includes a princess.
k: Oh com'on. How about "The Princess Bride"? Oh yeah. I forgot. You never SAW the Princess Bride. Cretin.
r: Yes I have, and Kate had to ask me how to spell "cretin." I can't recite it LINE BY LINE. Anyway, The Michigan decided to screen this for Valentine's Day -- Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, she's a princess incognito, he's a sleazy journalist. Mopeds are ridden, guitars are smashed, love blossoms. In Rome!
You might see the date, hear the 'princess' word, and think that this will be the most cheesy, horrifically dated romantic comedy that one could come up with. You would be wrong. We learn about Audrey Hepburn's world right away -- a shot of her dancing with an uninterested (gay?) aristocrat, and another scene where she complains to her attendant about having to sleep in a nightgown -- "some people don't wear anything at all!
k: Thing is, except for the occassional war reference (and of course, the well-written dialogue and engaging plot) you would think that it had been made recently. The humor is smart, and the two leads are entirely believable as a couple. The ending is particularly satisfying--neither schmaltzy nor overly heavy-handed, it is a nice closer.
r: Also, Audrey Hepburn is totally hot.
k: Gregory Peck too. But actually, the photographer guy was more my type. Mmm...facial hair.
r: Indeed. It's light entertainment solidly done. While the film itself doesn't have a terribly complicated "message," I found myself surprised at how risque it was. Was this really made in 1953? Was this really contemperaneous with all of those awful sci-fi movies? And 'Leave it to Beaver'? One of the main characters is a lovable pornographer! As often happens, I find myself seized with a curiosity that, due to laziness, I will never satisfy.
k: All I know is, my curiosity about lovable pornographers never goes unsatisfied...
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