Sunday, February 24, 2008

Duck Season (Temporada de patos) (2004)

We saw this movie last night. It was really fantastic. It's one of those films that you can't really summarize without making it sound like an after school special. Two kids are left alone on a lazy Sunday afternoon. A neighbor comes over to bake a cake. The boys order a pizza and try to avoid paying the deliveryman by telling him that he took more than 30 minutes.

The characters unfold slowly and reluctantly over the course of the film. There is a surreal, dreamlike quality that inhabits lazy sunday afternoons when you are a kid--a quality that is sadly lacking in my sundays as an adult.

Visually, this film is really striking. I would be overjoyed to have any of the frames of this film as a photograph on my wall--the exterior shots are off-balance and industrial. Oh...words fail.

This is one that really has to be seen to be understood. You should see it.

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