Monday, February 25, 2008


I had intended to do some kind of wrap up at the end of the night last night, but it turns out that 2 straight hours of blogging does a number on your back--at least if you adopt the kind of vulture-on-carrion pose I use when typing while sitting on the floor. Ross termed it "discomblogulation". Yes indeed. This is the kind of humor I enjoy on a daily basis. Jealous? I thought so.

You may have noticed that the quality of my posts deteriorated significantly as the evening wore on. My overuse of the double dash became almost criminal. I freaking love the double dash. Since almost all of the films I wrote about were worth seeing, the lower than usual quality of these posts makes me somewhat sad. However, none of the posts were as bad as I thought they would be, and as the sticky note above my desk tells me every day--done is better than perfect! (there's that double dash again). Besides, there is something honest about an unedited blog post. Among other things, you get to see how piss-poor my writing has become after 4 years in graduate school.

And now the summery of the evening, broken into lazy, I-need-to-get-back-to-work bullet points:
--We didn't mention anything about the red carpet. This is because 1)Ross and I are not exactly the people you would turn to for thoughtful fashion commentary and 2) Regis Philbin is a train wreck. A very very orange train wreck. Maybe if we all agree to ignore him, he'll go away.
--Ross and I saw all of the animated short film nominees. Since most of America didn't join us, they will just have to take our word for it. Peter and the Wolf was a bizarre choice.
--Tilde Swinton clearly never thought that she would be up on stage. I have no idea what happened with best supporting actress. I didn't see most of the best actress films, so I can't really comment on that. But Cate Blanchett should have won.
--Once won for best original song. Good thing, because otherwise I would have turned off the tv.
--The rest of the awards went as expected (read: the right way).
--Overall, it was more entertaining than usual. John Stewart had some good material to work with, the montages were relevant and interesting (I even stopped typing to watch). I especially enjoyed the montages of previous best actor/actress and best picture awards.

Whew...back to work. Maybe Ross will take over the next couple of posts. He's always funnier than I am.



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