Friday, February 17, 2006

Ushpizin (2004)

r: This is billed as the first movie made by the ultra-orthodox community in Israel. Have you read the "Brokeback Mountain" post? Do you remember a reference to an "Ultra-Orthodox Israeli" movie? This is that movie.

It's not unenjoyable. Instead of an utterly disposable comedy, we have a not-entirely-disposable comedy that provides some insight into an unfamiliar culture. That's worth something. And, like I said, it's fun. Transparent, preachy, but fun.

k: I really enjoyed this movie--mostly because it was entirely unexpected. It was funny! Like, funnier than average. And whereas I knew nothing about Orthodox Jewish communities before, I know next to nothing now. There were also several beautiful scenes between the husband and wife. In short--I expected something overly heavy, and I got something pleasently funny.

*To anybody who's seen the film, and knows some Yiddish: My impression, based on my limited command of German, was that the greedy, money hoarding Jews (the ones who fit every awful stereotype I've ever seen) spoke Yiddish (there were a number of words I recognized), while the Truly Holy Jews spoke Hebrew (not a word of wish I understood -- it's a guess). Eh?


At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*cough* Hi.

The two of you need to update your respective blogs, asap. I could let it go while you weren't in school, but now it's just unforgivable.

So, hop to it. Go on. Get to hoppin'.


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